Fotaflo Blog

Real World Photo Marketing Results

Written by Ryan O'Grady | June 22, 2020

We've been helping our clients execute marketing campaigns during the Covid-19 pandemic. These marketing campaigns use guest photos from past years along with a simple message:

We hope this message finds you safe and well.
With all the craziness that has been going on lately, we thought it would be a great time to revisit happy memories. We hope these photos from your last time visiting us bring a smile to your face!
We hope to see you again soon.
Hang in there!

In this post we'll share the results from one of our clients who sent this message to all of their past guests. This included guests who originally visited all the way back to 2014!

All indications are that reminding people of their memories from past years is overwhelmingly valued by past customers and was very successful in maintaining a strong brand presence to past customers and in brand introduction to new leads.

Emails were sent to 12166 addresses and those emails were opened 25773 times. Personal photo memories sent to past guests are compelling content with an average open rate of 211%. How do you get open rates higher than 100%? Guests who receive their photos often forward those emails and text messages on to their friends and families who go on to open the messages over and over. With a 44% click rate, no spam reports and very low unsubscribes, it shows the content within the email was also valued.

Out of the 5394 emails clicked, 1918 or 36% of past guests shared their photos through email or social media and became a brand advocate by generating at least 1 new referral lead. This shows that the content within the photo-viewing portal was meaningful, valuable and that people either were motivated to share their photos again using our marketing call-to-action, or naturally past guests enjoyed re-sharing past memories.

With 3455 new referral leads being generated this also has worked well in reaching a new audience. Since these leads are seeing someone they know and trust advocate your business, it's safe to say this message is far more powerful than a generic marketing message coming from your brand. If we compare the cost and value of this lead stream vs. cost-per-click advertising channels like Facebook or Google the comparable dollar value in new leads can be estimated to be between $3000 - $5000 USD.

It's also worth noting that a number of top performing advocates who generated the most new referral leads originally received their photos and visited this company in 2015! This indicates that as time passes between when your guests visit and when they receive past photo memories through Fotaflo that the value and outcomes often increase in benefit.

Overall, these campaigns were very successful in re-marketing and referral marketing and show meaningful results that support repeat and referral business.

Fotaflo makes it simple and easy to take and deliver photos to all your guests. Those photos are then used to maintain an authentic relationship with your past guests. If you'd like to see marketing results like these sign-up today!