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Exciting New Development: Fotaflo and Peek Partnership Grows Stronger!

July 26, 2023

We are thrilled to announce yet another milestone in our partnership with Peek. The integration between Fotaflo and Peek has reached new heights, benefiting adventure operators and their participants in ways that will truly amplify the marketing reach and enhance the overall experience!

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June Winner. Capture photos of guests to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

July 18, 2023

Congratulations to Isabel Wilcox from Camp Winnamocka in Arkadelphia Arkansas, who is the June winner of the Fotaflo Monthly Advocate Contest.

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From hobby to business: How to start a fishing charter with success

July 6, 2023

In 2022, the US fishing boat charter sector was valued at $364.9 million. So this year is the perfect time to learn how to start a fishing charter, aka a guided fishing trip company. 

There’s a lot to consider when starting a new business, from initial investment, buying the right equipment, and designing amazing fishing ads. And while fishing may be a relaxing pastime, setting up and marketing company isn’t quite as soothing.

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How to start a walking tour business and maximize your potential

July 6, 2023

It’s common knowledge that the most authentic way to immerse yourself in a town or a city is to experience it by foot—take Venice for example, as tourists are often encouraged to get lost walking around the vast maze of stunning alleys and footpaths. And although this isn’t a new tourist trend, these endeavors are on the rise: A survey by Arival found that between 2019 and 2022, tourists’ intent to book walking tours jumped by 24%.

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Deliciously Enticing Food Tour Marketing

July 3, 2023

Starting a food tour company to guide travelers around the best restaurants in your neighborhood? We know why! 

Culinary tourism is becoming increasingly popular among travelers and ‘foodies.’ So much so that Research and Markets expect global food tourism to value at $1,796.5 billion by 2027, that’s a whopping 16.8% CAGR from 2020. 

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Riding the path to success: Crafting a good bicycle tour business plan

July 3, 2023

Who loves exploring a new city or beach-side town with a bicycle tour guide? Everybody! But with the number of tour operators in the US growing by over 10% this year alone, getting noticed in a saturated market is becoming a challenge. So, to draw customers in and keep them, you’ll need a well-researched and thorough business blueprint.

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