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Online reviews are incredibly important for the success of experiential businesses, especially for activity and tour operators.

We know that getting authentic positive reviews written by your guests is the cornerstone of a successful marketing strategy. There’s no doubt about it, worth-of-mouth marketing is always going to be more valuable than promoting your own business.

So, what can businesses do to generate reviews online?

Here at Fotaflo we see many businesses diligently promoting their online review page, whether on TripAdvisor or any other OTA, and encouraging their guests to post reviews.

However, most often you are doing this at the least opportune time: immediately following the activity.

Your guests are excited, tired, thirsty, and are not typically going to post a review immediately after their activity. By the time they get back to their home or hotel, they will often lose the motivation to post a positive review on TripAdvisor.

When you provide free photos and videos to your guests you have an effective marketing channel that you can use to get more online reviews - encouraging your customers to write reviews at a later time, when they are ready to re-experience their adventure by viewing their photos.

Using personalized thank you videos to generate reviews online

A great way to increase positive online reviews, referrals, and continue your relationship with your guests is to include a personalized thank you video from your guides in their photo albums.

Guides are the strongest connection guests make with your business, which is why they are the feature that guests are most likely to mention on review sites.

Including a surprise video in albums, where the guide is asking them for a review is the strongest call to action your brand can introduce to generate reviews online. Plus your guests see it at the best possible time, when they are online, in the comfort of their own home.

Thank you video options

There are two options that you can use to deliver personalized thank you videos to your customers:

  1. Record a personalized thank you video every tour and deliver it to your guests.
  2. Create a generic video to include with every album, if you don't have time to record a video for every tour.

We recommend the first option. It is the strongest call-to-action you can provide as a business. When guests see you talking directly and personally to them, they are more likely to take action and write a positive online review.

How to write a thank you video script

Keep the script simple. It should be possible to make it under 15 seconds long and include everything that needs to be communicated:

  • Thank your guests for coming.
  • If possible, name them (by first name or family name or company).
  • Mention something about their experience, especially anything that was specific or unique to their tour. Did they see interesting wildlife? A beautiful sunset? Did something funny happen?
  • Sincerely ask them to review you on Trip Advisor or share their photos.

    Here's a great example from Abyss Scuba Diving:

And a slightly longer one from Red Apple Rides:



If you don't have a photo marketing solution already, or your current solution doesn't provide this capability you might be interested in how Fotaflo can help you grow your business by turning every guest into a word-of-mouth advocate for your business.

Photos and videos are killer content for increasing the quality and quantity of online reviews.

Get a demo of Fotaflo today and learn how we can help your tour or activity business generate reviews online.


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