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As a tour and activity operator, you aren’t just selling a product or service - you are selling the entire experience that your brand offers, from the very first moment a prospect engages with your company to every interaction that follows after. 

A fantastic guest experience is important for a number of reasons. It strengthens the possibility that:

  • customers will share their experience with friends and family (generating new bookings for your business);
  • customers will leave reviews (and good ones) of your business;
  • past customers will return for repeat bookings;
  • your business can enhance its word-of-mouth marketing strategy.

In this blog, we have listed four guest experience ideas that will help tour and activity operators improve customer satisfaction and generate new bookings.

1. Providing photo memories to your customers for free enhances the guest experience

The vast majority of tour and activity operators charge their customers for photos. But did you know that providing photo memories to your customers for free will not only enable your business to access the benefits of a photo marketing strategy, but it will improve your customer experience as well.

Since most tours and activities sell photos to their customers, providing them for free can help your business to improve the guest experience and stand out from its competitors. You are adding a value to your service that nobody else is. 

Not only that, but by providing photos to your customers for free you take the worry of capturing memories away from them. Instead, they can fully engage with the experience, knowing full well that your guides will provide them with photos they can share on their social media channels.

How Tour and Activity Photos Help You Build a Great Guest Experience

2. Offer a great website experience

In the vast majority of cases, your website will be the first touchpoint of your guest experience. This is where customers come to learn about your offering, how much it costs, what’s involved and why they should choose you over competitors. 

To ensure customers have a fantastic experience on your website, you’ll want to ensure that valuable content is easy to find, it’s simple to navigate, pages are quick to load and it’s mobile friendly. 

3. Build a seamless customer engagement strategy

How you communicate with your customers is a critical component of your company’s overall guest experience. Interaction should be seamless and easy for the customer, and you should build a strategy that ensures you send all the information your customer needs at each step of their journey. 

Start with a high quality confirmation email that gets the customer excited about their booking. This will differentiate your offering and build up anticipation for the event itself. Check in again with the customer before they arrive, to make sure they understand everything they need to bring and what to expect from the activity. 

Don’t forget to contact your customer after their experience. Remarketing emails are a fantastic way to remind past customers of the amazing time they had, helping you to drive repeat bookings and generate new business for your brand.

Learn About Remarketing

4. Automate your check-in experience

The check in experience can be one of the more tedious parts of the guest experience for tour and activity brands. You’ll need to make sure all attendees have arrived, run through health and safety rules and go over any other housekeeping before you actually start the activity. While this is important, it can become tedious for the customer when it takes too long.

Automating as much of the check-in process as possible can help speed things up and make it more enjoyable for the customer. For example, waivers can be signed online before customers arrive. 

The more you are able to speed this process up, the more seamless and enjoyable it will become for the customer - leading to a better guest experience. 

Are you looking for more guest experience ideas, or want to use a photo marketing platform to better share memories with your customers? Book a demo with Fotaflo today. Our team would love to help your tour or activity business generate new bookings.

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