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Harnessing the Power of Past Customers as a Lucrative Sales Channel

September 27, 2023

In the world of tour and activity businesses, attracting new customers is often the primary focus. However, there's a load of untapped potential hidden in plain sight – your past customers. Many businesses fall into the trap of viewing customers with a 'one and done' mentality, failing to recognize the significant sales channel they represent. In this blog post, we'll explore why this 'one and done' mentality persists and why it's crucial to shift the perspective towards cultivating repeat and referral business. We'll also discuss how to quantify the lifetime value of a customer beyond their initial purchase, with examples and suggestions to maximize this potential.

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How to get referrals online for adventure activities

May 22, 2023

Every business loves customer referrals, it’s a fact—and this is one of the top reasons why online referral marketing is a popular strategy for promoting adventure activities. In short, online referral marketing is a digital strategy that encourages customers to share referrals online that will drive new customers to a business.   

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The 5 Best Tools to Enhance Your Tour Operator Marketing

May 1, 2023

As tour operators, you have a lot to think about when it comes to digital marketing: Is your website SEO optimized? Does your digital content look professional? Are you reaping the benefits of photo and video marketing? Luckily for you, there’s a huge variety of digital tools to help enhance your tour marketing strategy.

According to Grand View Research the global digital marketing software market size was valued at USD 65.33 billion in 2022. This colossal figure shows how vital marketing software tools are in expanding your business.   

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The secret to more tour bookings: Harnessing the power of tech

April 24, 2023

Are you seeing a lull in tour bookings? Don’t worry; every business has its ups and downs, but staying up-to-date with the newest technology can help you make sure you’re always booked and ahead of the competition.

Knowing how to draw in and keep clients in the crowded tourism market is a constant challenge, but with technology like Fotaflo’s photo delivery and marketing platform, customers can find you. By integrating your booking process with photo marketing tools, you can improve your lead generation and increase customer retention.

Let’s take a look at some of the best tools and techniques for tour operators to attract new customers and achieve more tour bookings. Time to jump in.

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Internet Marketing for Tour Operators in 3 Easy Steps

April 17, 2023

Did you know internet marketing for tour operators can be easier than for any other business? Why, I hear you ask? Because adventure activities bring people to life, they provide the moments people talk about as years go by, and a photo helps them never forget. 

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Elevate Your Ecotourism Marketing: The Power of Guest Photos

April 10, 2023

The popularity of ecotourism is expected to keep growing, making it more crucial than ever for tour and activity operators to add it to their marketing initiatives. Promoting responsible and ethical travel while highlighting the natural beauty surrounding a tour or activity is essential for effective ecotourism marketing. Using guest photos and videos to showcase the sustainable ethos of your tourism business is a potent strategy that can produce more bookings.

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Mastering Guest Experience: An Unforgettable Axe-Throwing Business

April 3, 2023

Have you always dreamed of owning a wildly successful axe-throwing company? Of course, you have. But starting a business isn’t always easy, and you need a solid axe-throwing business plan to create the perfect guest experience.

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Grow your water sports and activities business by offering free photos

March 9, 2023

Whether it’s for tourists or locals, water sport and activity businesses have some serious competition when it comes to attracting customers. With so many choices for potential guests, it’s important for water-based tour and activity operators to find new ways to grab attention. 

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Top 5 strategies on how to market a tour company for business growth

March 6, 2023

Tour operators compete in a fiercely cutthroat market. Therefore successful marketing methods are essential. Tour operators can improve their visibility, draw in more leads, and spur business growth with the correct marketing strategy. The top five methods for promoting a tour operator and spurring its growth will be covered in this blog. These tactics include focusing on your target market, optimizing your website for search engines, utilizing social media, giving top-notch customer service, and offering discounts and promotions. We'll also review how using Fotaflo's solution, and customized photo memories can boost conversions and draw in more leads.

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How to Build a Winning Marketing Strategy for Hospitality and Tourism

November 16, 2022

Whether your goal is to expand your brand’s global reach, attract more tour and activity bookings, or maintain the loyalty of your existing customers, the importance of a successful hospitality and tourism marketing strategy cannot be understated.

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